Danbar for Life, LLC
"Wellness Transformation through Evaluation, Education, Nutritional Supplementation and Dietary Modification"

"It is impossible for me to place a value on the quality of education I received from the Danbar Lifestyle Management Program. The Program taught me how to deprogram everything I had been taught about eating and replace it with sound principles backed with a positive mindset and goal driven attitude, which ultimately resulted in my loss of 32 pounds within a 3-month period. The funny thing about it is that I am not restricted in my diet ad I still eat ALL the foods I like, just lesser controlled portions of it.

I am forever grateful to the Danbar Lifestyle Management Program for the significant impact it has had on my life and that of my family."

Toni E. Business Owner Charlotte, North Carolina

"After losing over 122 pounds using the Danbar Lifestyle Management Program, my life will never be the same. The DLMP has radically changed my life for the better forever and given me new lease on life. I have tried numerous commercial diets and do-it-yourself program in the past, and all have failed. Sound familiar? The DLMP has not only helped me to lose a substantial amount of weight and improve my health tremendously; it has educated and empowered me to make the healthy lifestyle changes that I desired and desperately needed. Since starting the program 10 months ago, my sleep apnea, fatigue, join pain, and shortness of breath are cured. Thanks to Dr. Danner, and his total wellness and health improvement program, I have my life back under control and look forward to living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life. I have not felt this great in 15 to 20 years. By and far, the Danbar Lifestyle Management system is the best weight management and total wellness program on the market."


"The Danbar Lifestyle Management Program allowed me to loose 45 pounds (going from 225 to 180). It allowed me to trim my waist by 7 inches (going from 40 inches to 33 inches). It allowed me to reduce my body mass index (BMI) by 6.1 points (dropped from 30.5 points which is the low end of obesity) to 24.4 points (which is considered a normal health weight).

One of the awesome aspects of the Danbar Lifestyle Management Program is that it also allows you to supplement your personal coaching sessions with online seminars. He has literally removed all excuses that anyone could have when it comes to why I can’t lose weight. If you can’t make every session you can still get the information online.

The program worked for me because I worked it. It is not trendy and is common sense. The focus of the program is on education and not gimmicks. Dr. Danner’s program promotes conscious, serious lifestyle choices, and that is what is important.

I have been truly satisfied with the whole program – from the cost and value of the program, to the support, and my outcome I couldn’t have asked for more. I really owe the Danbar Lifestyle Management Program and this system my sincerest thanks."

John Attorney at Law Charlotte, North Carolina

"One of the awesome aspects of the Danbar Lifestyle Management Program is that it also allows you to supplement personal coaching sessions with an online educational support system. They have literally removed all excuses that anyone could have when it comes to why 'I can’t lose weight'. Since you can’t make every coaching/training session, you can still get the information by reviewing it online."

Charlotte, North Carolina

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