Danbar For Life, LLC
"Success through Education, Nutritional Supplementation, Exercise, Coaching and Self-Monitoring"

Let's Get Started

This appraisal will help our professionals work with you to prepare the best program for your organization.

Employer Name:     
Primary Contact:     
Primary Telephone:
Primary Email:        

Based on your general knowledge of your workforce, what percentage have a body mass index (BMI) indicating obesity?
    Less than 10%
    10 to 20%
    25 to 35%
    Greater than 50%

What is the annual health care costs among non-morbidly obese employees for your business(s)?
    Less than $3,000
    $3,500 to $4,000
    $4,500 to $5,500
    Greater than $8,000

Taking an educated guess, what is the average increased cost for one hospitalization for your obese employees compared to their non-obese counterparts?
    10 to 20%
    30 to 40%
    60 to 70%
    80 to 90%

What is the average increase in healthcare expenditure for obese employees compared to normal weight workforce members, take a guess?
    < $250 to 500
    ~ $500 to $750
    ~ $1,000 to $2,000
    $2,000 to $4,000

Due to the link between obesity and many chronic conditions, the obese population has significantly greater medical care service utilization. What is the increased likelihood of hospitalization annually?
    1.5 to 2 times higher
    2.5 to 3 times higher
    3.5 to 4 times higher
    It is not increased

Higher prevalence of chronic diseases among the obese population may result in increased pharmacy usage. Based on your knowledge and experience, how much does obesity increase general prescription drug utilization on average?
    no increase

Based on your knowledge and experience, how much does obesity increase the number of prescription cardiovascular medications utilized on average for obese employees?
    no increase

The annual cost of absenteeism associated with obese related chronic conditions among 100 employees is roughly $15,000. What is the predicted annual number of missed workdays for obese employees employed full-time in your organization?
    1 to 2 days
    2 to 3 days
    3 to 4 days
    5 days

It has been clearly demonstrated that weight loss alleviates symptoms and reduces the severity of many chronic conditions associated with obesity. What percentage can diabetes medications be reduced when 15 to 30 pounds of weight loss is achieved, take a guess?
    20 to 30%
    40 to 50%
    60 to 70%
    80 to 100%

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